Why Sponsor?
- 3 minute pitch to entire audience - Presentations to entire or partial audience - Company branded meeting and networking areas - Participation in networking champagne reception - Hosted Lunch and Dinner tables with company branding - Company branding on all banners and conference guides - Accommodation for each of your representatives at the venue - Investment and contact information on all attendees provided - Social networking such as golf, coffee breaks and drinks at the bar etc - Prearranged 1-to-1 meetings (15 minutes each) with attendees of your choice - Access to all industry presentations and workshops taking place over the event |
What do we do?
Our "Excellence In" events bring together Senior Leaders and Decision Makers to seamlessly network, share, engage, interact and learn from each other. Along with offering the perfect, hand-picked and finely researched solutions that can assist with their current needs, challenges and investment plans.
Our "Excellence In" events bring together Senior Leaders and Decision Makers to seamlessly network, share, engage, interact and learn from each other. Along with offering the perfect, hand-picked and finely researched solutions that can assist with their current needs, challenges and investment plans.
What does it look like?
See below a video on how our events work and images of those events in action:
See below a video on how our events work and images of those events in action:
How do we do this?
By researching the needs of the group and profiling each attendee individually so you can understand their current challenges and pain points. We only target relevant industry clients that can actively help with requirements highlighted by the attendee group during profiling. Our industry leading events are finely tuned to include the perfect balance of high level engagement, networking and free time. |
This creates a harmonious environment which allows for attendees and clients to meet in a structured and logical way, this includes:
- Pre-booked 1-to-1 business meetings - Presentations - Social Networking - Hosted Lunch and Dinner - Champagne Reception & Networking Session All this takes place in the beautiful setting of a Country Manor House or Hotel over 2 days with lots of support on hand. |